Monday marks the first Monday we have not had to go for treatments in about five weeks. My daughter has a break until March 31. She has done well with the treatments for the most part. A little bit of nausea here and there has happened, but relatively speaking, she is a champ. She continues to cook meals and enjoys baking with her nieces. I have noticed she is talking much more and YELLING at the Buckeyes basketball teams on television. I have had to subscribe to two new channels to keep her cheering for the Bucks. What is happening with that? I remember when they were always on Channel 4 with Jimmy Crum.
We will make a full day of appointments on the 31st. First, she will have a PET scan, then a doctor's appointment, followed by five hours of infusion. We may get home before midnight! I pray that some progress has been made and that the lymph nodes have shown some shrinkage. Please say a prayer for this girl. She is a trooper with little complaining throughout all of this. And yes, Mom is doing ALL the worrying.