Looking through some of my old notes from students made me think about how many ways "principal" was spelled. It is amazing how the students could spell this one word so differently. I have been called mom or grandma numerous times. Principal, however, has been a different story. Here are the ways they have spelled and sometimes also pronounced the word principal.
and yes, Pretzel!
You get it. Despite these spellings and pronunciations, I still answered to them. I still cared about their concern or what they wanted to tell me. I still asked questions and gave them a hug if needed. I responded to notes as much as I could. Sometimes what they wanted to tell me was "not important", but it was to them. The autistic kindergarten student who told me, "That alarm is too loud!" or another child in fourth grade who was concerned about using styrofoam plates in the lunchroom always was listened to because they were concerned about something that applied to them. Preschoolers or kindergartners always say, "I see you in the grocery store!", and I'd always reply, "Yes, I saw you, too!". As a principal, you gained respect by listening carefully and interacting with the students. This was an important thing for me to do each day. It was the little things that made my day!